take shape
英 [teɪk ʃeɪp]
美 [teɪk ʃeɪp]
成形; 形成; 具体化; 有显著发展
- In 1912 women's events were added, and the modern Olympic programme began to take shape.
1912年增加了女子比赛项目,现代奥林匹克运动会开始初具雏形。 - Our plans now began to take shape.
这时,我们的计划开始有了眉目。 - It's when I hear you that you take shape.
我听到你说话时,你才现形。 - And outsight and regarded perceiving as the foundation to take shape in the course of perceiving, have left and has not observed either when perceiving.
而观察力是在感知过程中并以感知为基础形成起来的,离开了感知也就没有了观察。 - Through the series you will see a complete integration application take shape.
通过阅读本系列中的文章,可以了解完整的应用程序集成的实现过程。 - A deal could take shape once he secures financing and agrees on a location for a new stadium.
一旦他获得融资并就新场馆的选址达成一致,该交易就将成型。 - Our plan is beginning to take shape.
我们的计划开始成形了。 - I also noticed a very different kind of revolution take shape in Davos.
另外,我还注意到,在达沃斯论坛上,另外一种不同的变革正在酝酿之中。 - They can also see their timepiece take shape on screen before requesting the price by e-mail.
他们还可以在屏幕上看到所选钟表的成形过程,然后通过电子邮件询价。 - I've been here for6 months now and the dream is already starting to take shape.